
We build for you


Welcome to Constructrix, where we build your Minecraft dreams into reality! Whether you are part of a server or a single player, we are dedicated to creating the most amazing and impressive buildings and structures.

Constructrix is ​​the place for all Minecraft enthusiasts who want professional and impressive buildings for their server or personal games. Our team of skilled builders is dedicated to creating amazing builds that will take your game to the next level. Build unique and custom buildings for Minecraft servers Create creative and detailed building plans for individuals who want to improve their Minecraft worlds Offer installation and configuration of mods and plugins to improve the gaming experience on Minecraft servers Dear Minecraft enthusiasts, If you are looking for the perfect build for your server or simple personal projects, then you have come to the right place. At Constructrix, we specialize in creating impressive and unique buildings in the Minecraft world.


Hey Minecraft-enthusiasts! It is with great pleasure that we at Constructrix can present our new price list for our fantastic construction services.

Small builds

50*50*50 blocks or less 

9.99 USD

Medium Builds

100*100*100 blocks or less

24.99 USD

Big Builds

150*300*150 blocks or less

49.99 USD

Mega Builds

250*300*250 blocks or less

99.99 USD


Bigger then Mega?

contact us if you need any bigger then Mega, Then we can find a god price.



At Constructrix, our passion for Minecraft building is endless. We have many years of experience in creating impressive and unique buildings for both servers and individuals. Our portfolio ranges widely, from stunning castles and villages to modern buildings and small items.




I just wanted to share my positive experience with a construction team called Constructrix, who did an amazing job for me. I decided to order a custom map with a beach theme, and the result was simply fantastic. I am truly grateful for how everything turned out.

Firstly, the communication with the team was really good. They kept me updated throughout the entire process and responded quickly to my questions. It really created a sense of trust, making the whole experience much better.

What truly impressed me was the attention to detail they put into meeting my specific desires. My custom-made map was created exactly as I had envisioned, and the quality of the work was truly impressive. It was also nice to see that the price was reasonable and fair.

All in all, I can highly recommend this construction team. If you need a map, they are truly dedicated and deliver the goods at a good price. I am extremely satisfied with my map, and I would not hesitate to use them again.



Jeg ville lige dele min gode erfaring med et byggerhold ved navn Constructrix, der virkelig gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde for mig. Jeg besluttede mig for at bestille et custom map med et strandet tema, og resultatet var simpelthen fantastisk. Jeg er virkelig taknemmelig for, hvordan det hele endte.

For det første var kommunikationen med holdet virkelig god. De holdt mig opdateret hele vejen igennem processen og svarede hurtigt på mine spørgsmål. Det skabte virkelig en følelse af tillid, og det gjorde hele oplevelsen meget bedre.

Det, der virkelig imponerede mig, var den opmærksomhed på detaljer, de lagde i at opfylde mine præcise ønsker. Mit custom lavet map blev lavet nøjagtigt som jeg havde i tankerne, og kvaliteten af arbejdet var virkelig imponerende. Det var også rart at se, at prisen var rimelig og fair.

Alt i alt kan jeg kun anbefale dette byggerhold. Hvis du har brug for et map, er de virkelig dedikerede og leverer varen til en god pris. Jeg er super tilfreds med mit map, og jeg ville ikke tøve med at bruge dem igen.

Map Trailer (Coming Soon)


If you are looking for a professional and creative Minecraft construction, you have come to the right place. At Constructrix, our passion for Minecraft and the ability to create fantastic buildings is our strongest driving force.


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