
When you have decided which one you want write to os and you can give the details about the Build.

Small builds

50*50*50 blocks or less 

9.99 USD

Medium Builds

100*100*100 blocks or less

24.99 USD

Big Builds

150*300*150 blocks or less

49.99 USD

Mega Builds

250*300*250 blocks or less

99.99 USD


Bigger then Mega?

contact us if you need any bigger then Mega, Then we can find a god price.


Små builds

50*50*50 blocks eller mindre

69,95 DKK

Medium Builds

100*100*100 blocks eller mindre

174,95 DKK

Store Builds

150*300*150 blocks eller mindre

349,95 DKK

Mega Builds

250*300*250 blocks eller mindre

699,95 DKK


Større end Mega?

kontakt os hvis du mangler noget større end Mega, så kan vi finde en god pris.


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